Thursday, May 20, 2010

Don't Let Me Go

Don't Let Me Go
Shrek the Musical

You and me, we belong together/ Like butter and grits, like kibbles and bits/ Like yin and yang, sturm and drang/ Like Eng and Chang, attached at the hip/ But not an old lady hip that might break/  I'm gonna be on you like a fat kid on cake/ Like Cupid and Psyche, like pop rocks and Mikey/ We'll stick together like that velcro stuff/ I'm the fuzzy side, you'll be the spiky/ Ooh!  Like little kids in pajamas with those funny things at the bottom, y'know, feeties?/ Like doughnuts and...what goes with doughnuts?/ Doughnuts and...diabetes!

5w, 5d
  • all-day nausea?
    • check!
  • sore breasts so I can't run, go quickly down stairs, or sleep on my stomach?
    • check!
  • peeing before, after, and during all events and engagements?
    • check!
I'm not complaining, mind you, but I can tell this is starting to wear on LB.  Perhaps it was the way she lovingly rolled her eyes at me this morning, when I asked her to finishing making lunches because the peanut butter was making me queasy.  Or, maybe I noticed when she sighed quietly as I began describing how I avoided nausea during the all-day meeting today.  On the other hand, it may have been when she nearly cussed me out in Costco because nothing they had to offer for dinner was pregnant-lady-friendly and appealed to me.  Well, whenever I finally figured it out, I realized once again how absolutely fabulous this woman is to be taking care of me, and how long the ride we're on will be.  I should find a treat for her this weekend. 


  1. I did NOT roll my eyes at you this morning when I made the sandwich...I giggled!

    And you left out the part about Costco wherein we spent a full 10 minutes in the prepared food section with you refusing to take interest in anything (on our 2nd trip back to the prepared food section)! AND I WAS STARVING!!! The chicken bake wasn't bad in the end, but not quite what I'd wanted. But those beets we roasted were awesome. AND I ate a full bowl of vegetables!

  2. Poor girlies! My love had horrible morning sickness for months and months and it wore on both of us.

    And treats are always good (for both of you).
