Monday, June 7, 2010

We're Having A Baby

Were having a baby, my baby and me/ You'll read it in Winchell's/ That we're adding a limb to our family tree/ We're pushing our carriage/ How proud I will be/ There's nothing like marriage/ Ask your mother and father and they'll agree

Big week/weekend in the purple house!  On Thursday, LB and I went to our first OB appointment, and got to see the Bean!

The Dr. was very nice and tried to
make the ultrasound wand as comfortable as possible, but I have to admit, I was distracted from looking at the heartbeat by the contortions of the wand.  Luckily, LB was there to ask the questions and grin wildly at the heartbeat.

Of course, with the ultrasound pictures in our hot little hands, we had to go share the news with family.  Telling LB's parents nearly didn't happen, as her mom was trying really hard to head out on a run with the neighbors!  I finally got her attention and told LB to tell her (LB's dad was in the room, too).  She didn't quite believe the news at first, but having the pictures definitely helped (good choice to wait until we had the u/s to tell the family).  The neighbor she was running with is also a former midwife, so she helped explain to us what we were looking at.  Off they went on a run, and off we went to see Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me! with my mom.

Before we left for dinner, we made sure to tell my mom that the Bean was coming, and she shrieked so loud, I thought my ears were going to burst!  (She's effusive, my mom)  Apparently, she had noticed that I wasn't drinking, but thought I might just be trying to lose weight (Which wouldn't be a bad idea, but it's off the table for now).  We also informed my sister that she was going to be an aunt, since she was at my mom's place.

But the excitement didn't stop there!  Friday, I left LB to go to Oregon for my grandmother's 85th birthday, along with my mom, sister, uncle, and cousins.  So, after that trip, my close-ish family all knew, and LB was left with the task of telling her side of the family.  That, apparently, is too much to ask my love to do on her own, because I came home to discover that no one else knew since I left on Friday.  So, this evening, we called LB's grandma and grampa to tell them (as she points out, that's not the kind of news you email to folks their age), and then sent out an all-family email to notify the relatives that the hand-knits will be needed.

I'm not built for this kind of excitement, and have been completely wiped out since Thursday, despite napping most days.  Luckily, telling folks means I now have an iron-clad excuse to bow out of obligations and take a nap anytime.

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